I am fond of watching documentaries and just tonight I was able to watch "Kalye". This is a documetary on what is happening in the streets of the Philippines. Airing once a week, this show gives me a lot of insights. Tonight they featured the life of those who are living under a bridge somewhere in Paco, Manila and a family living in a small junked van. My heart was crushed when I saw their situation. I wondered how they are able to sleep and eat under a dirty, noisy and crowded place. I've slept inside a car so many times before but living in it is a different story. This made me amazed on how this family living in a junked van could find comfort despite of their situation. After watching the documentary, I began to ask myself why so many people still complain about their situation even if they live in a decent place, when many people live with cockroaches and still call it a house? When will we ever be contented with what we have and be grateful in whatever we receive from God?
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