My experiences today and yesterday have been so fulfilling. I've been visiting the brethren from my pastorate in their homes. As their pastor, it is but usual for them to share their burdens with me and ask advice from me.Yesterday,one of the brethren that I visited shared her burden about her son's relationship. The other one told me about her problem with her co-teacher. And just today, when I visited one of the newly baptized member, he shared his problem of keeping the sabbath because of his work. I don't know if those were coincidences, but I've experienced the same problems they all have. God has been so good to me that I was able to overcome those trials, which made me more effective in giving advice to them. This part of my life made me realized that probably the reason why doesn't God allow everyone to experience all the problems in life is because He has given us our brethren, our neighbors, our family, our pastors, who once in their lives have been in the same situations we are in right now. They can testify how God has led them in the past and can give us the advice that we need for us not to be in the same scenario they were in. May God bring you the people who can help you in your present situation and may He use you to be of help to other people as well.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I've Been There!
My experiences today and yesterday have been so fulfilling. I've been visiting the brethren from my pastorate in their homes. As their pastor, it is but usual for them to share their burdens with me and ask advice from me.Yesterday,one of the brethren that I visited shared her burden about her son's relationship. The other one told me about her problem with her co-teacher. And just today, when I visited one of the newly baptized member, he shared his problem of keeping the sabbath because of his work. I don't know if those were coincidences, but I've experienced the same problems they all have. God has been so good to me that I was able to overcome those trials, which made me more effective in giving advice to them. This part of my life made me realized that probably the reason why doesn't God allow everyone to experience all the problems in life is because He has given us our brethren, our neighbors, our family, our pastors, who once in their lives have been in the same situations we are in right now. They can testify how God has led them in the past and can give us the advice that we need for us not to be in the same scenario they were in. May God bring you the people who can help you in your present situation and may He use you to be of help to other people as well.
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