It's Monday morning. By this time, we are already finished with our week of prayer morning session. I'm just missing the experience. I spent a week at the Baesa Adventist Academy and served as their week of prayer speaker. It was my 2nd time to hold a week long series in an academy. The experience was awesome. I never expected that they would respond greatly.
First, I wanna thank God for giving me good ideas on what to share during that week. I knew the students needed something that they could relate to, and so I thought of sharing something about technology and relate it with the people of the Bible. I came up with "Old Testament Profiles". It was a series that I've been wanting to formulate, and providentially, God paved a way for me to finally assemble everything that was on my mind and turn it into a relevant tool to reach out to the younger generation.I also knew that it wouldn't be easy to keep their attention, and so again, I thank God that He reminded me of my high school and college life experiences which I was able to share to them.
Until now, I'm still receiving a lot of thanksgiving messages, appreciation, comments in facebook and feed back from the students who were blessed with my ministry. That week was intended for my vacation leave, but I decided to spend it with the students. I was not disappointed, i didn't even feel that it was a waste of time. I was totally overwhelmed.
The feeling is just great when you know you have touched somebody's life and you became a blessing to them. I could not forget when one of the bullies in the academy came to me and confided that he felt guilty for the things he had done in the past. He said he would like to ask God's forgiveness for everything. I could not help but cry when I heard him saying those words probably because I could see myself in him when I was at his age. Or probably, because I was overwhelmed by the joy that I felt. Nevertheless, a few days after our conversation, changes in the life of that young man began to appear. Even his classmates wondered why all of a sudden he changed. These are only some of the great experiences I had in my stay at the Academy.
This experience of mine will again mark my ministry and will always remind me that God is so great and that He is willing to use us in all possible ways to be a blessing to the people around us! Soli deo gloria!