Sunday, August 24, 2008
Who Gets the Glory?
I am fond of watching “Pinoy Dream Academy” a musical reality TV show where contestants are trained inside an academy and have the opportunity to perform to the public once a week. One night I was watching one of the performances, a contestant named “Bugoy” conquered the center stage and the audience were all shouting and cheering for him. While watching, a thought struck me. Bugoy is so famous now, he gets all the attention and support from the public. But what about those who have been training him like the voice teacher, mentors and coaches? Do people care to know about them? After a while, I found myself relating this thought to our church experience. People stand up on the pulpit, rendering songs, giving inspirational messages and sermons, but the question is “Who gets the glory?”. Do we care if our songs lift the name of God, who in His power has given us our talents, or we just want to showcase our talents and be popular in our church? Do we ever think of saying “praise God” when somebody appreciates our performances? There is an invitation from Jesus Himself to "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works(singing, speaking,praying,charity works) and glorify your Father which is in heaven". (Matthew 5:16) Mark the word “glorify”. Did you know that the word "glorify" or "glorified" appears in the Word of God a total of 25 times. There's one verse where God talks about bringing glory and honor to His house, His temple. And on one verse, Jeremiah 30:19, God says He will glorify His people. But in all of the other 23 references, do you know who the subject is of that verb "glorify"? It's God Himself.
Isn't it challenging that Matthew 5:16 encompasses our lives on a 24/7 basis, but it certainly hits the one hour on Sabbath at church. If the congregation applauds after your number at church--fine, acknowledge it. But pass it right along to God. If they say amen, or compliment you, or lift you up in any way, deposit the glory at God's throne. Remember that our first purpose on this earth is to bring honor to Him, to praise and worship Him and perform for His glory.
Notes: 1. The Four Faces of Jesus By:Robert K. McIver
Ministry Reflections
Back-Biting: The Christian Way
I have been so discouraged these past months of my ministry in my pastorate. Sis. _____ has been winning a lot of brethren for her campaign probably to prove that I'm not a good pastor. I wonder what God wants me to do with her. I can't see myself confronting her, how then should I react? Should I remain silent?Should I tell someone about it?
Well, God has been so good. He led me to the right decision. I was reading my Bible yesterday on Mark 7 and He showed me the best way to approach such people. I was amazed on how Jesus treated the Pharisees. He didn't confront them, neither told His predicaments to other people. Instead, Jesus approached the back-biters in most just and kind way. He spoke and quoted from the scriptures. I think God is teaching me to love the unlovable. To care for them even if they don't care about me. And that's what I think God wants us to do with 'back-biters".
Well, God has been so good. He led me to the right decision. I was reading my Bible yesterday on Mark 7 and He showed me the best way to approach such people. I was amazed on how Jesus treated the Pharisees. He didn't confront them, neither told His predicaments to other people. Instead, Jesus approached the back-biters in most just and kind way. He spoke and quoted from the scriptures. I think God is teaching me to love the unlovable. To care for them even if they don't care about me. And that's what I think God wants us to do with 'back-biters".
Ministry Reflections