One of the youth in my pastorate has been going with me on my visitations for almost a month now. After the morning household chores, he would meet me in my house and together we would visit the houses of our brethren. Often times this young man would ask me questions regarding the ministry. I could sense that little by little, he is starting to enjoy what we are doing. He would also ask me personal questions like, why did i take up ministry? Who were the people that influenced me to go into the ministry? I feel that the passion for the ministry has started growing in the heart of this young guy. Whenever I see both of us doing visitation I remember Paul and Timothy. These men of God who became partners in the ministry have been a great inspiration to me. Just as Paul wanted Timothy to be molded in ministry, I also want this young man to grow in his spiritual life. And if he feels that God is calling him in to the ministry I would be more than willing to do whatever I can to help him. I just hope i will be like Paul to this Timothy!