As a young pastor, I see God a bit differently than some see Him, and although many would disagree,this is how God has presented Himself to me time and time again. He is so much bigger than any of our notions about Him allow us to perceive. What we see, comprehend and experience is only a tiny fraction of who He is. God is merciful. We say this, but don't always really think about how merciful God is. He is so merciful that He sees into the deepest parts of who we are. He sees the darkest parts of who we are, and He understands why those parts are there. He sees our greatest weaknesses, and remains with us as we try to get the courage to trust Him to give us the strength to overcome.
Whatever we have suffered, whether it be abuse, trauma, ridicule, molestation, loss, pain, God understands. He does not sit on His throne and pass judgment on us when we act out as a result of the deep wounds that we have experienced. He is a patient God. He loves us through our pain. He loves us through our mistakes. He loves us even when we try to push Him far away.God, if He chooses so, could instantly take away our pain, but that isn't usually the case. God comes into our pain and shows us how He can bring light into the darkness.
There have been so many instances in my life where God has actually entered into my darkest places to remind me that He is still there, watching over me. Some may wonder how I know it was God. All I can say is that there was no other explanation.I have ventured into some scary places in my lifetime, places that could have been very dangerous. Even in those situations, God brought people to me to help me when they could have easily hurt me.God has spoken to me through people who most Christians would pay little attention to, due to their lifestyle.God has opened doors when I have been ready to just give up. God has brought people into my life who I have needed at just the right time.
May you widen your ideas about God and who He is. We often try and put Him in a box, wrapped with a narrow vision of who He really is.Just remember that you can never fall too low for God. His arms can reach into the lowest, darkest places and lovingly pull you back up.You can never be too broken for God. He can heal whatever is causing you pain.
Trust and believe in His mercy. It is always there.