It's either you get frustrated or satisfied with a movie after watching it. But have you ever been blessed by a movie? I was. It is amazing how God worked in me as I watched these movies that left a big impact in my life. My previous blog would show how I was blessed when I watched the movie 'Fireproof". I often download movies, but I never thought of downloading movies like these. The urge of looking for some movies like Fireproof made me search the internet. I found three other movies that made me even more blessed. "Facing the Giants", a "Mighty Ducks' type of movie, was indeed an inspiration for me to strive for the best in my faith and ministry. "Flywheel" taught me to treat every person fairly and work honestly for His glory. "Faith Like Potatoes" showed me that faith is needed even in the simplest activity of our life. I can't afford not to share my experience in watching these movies. Watch them too, and get ready to be movie-blessed!
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