If I ever have a problem with my computer I can usually find a solution through Google. I just have to type my problem into the search engine and there is bound to be a website that explains what I need to do. The only problem I have is that I always forget to go to Google when the problem first arises. I seem to do everything else possible before searching the internet. To begin with I'll try to fix the problem myself by searching through the menus for guidance; I might ask a friend if they've had the same problem and see if they know what to do; or I'll restart the computer in the hope that it will just correct itself in the process. It's not until I told my friend Toni(a gadget geek) that I have a problem that he will say to me, 'Just Google it.' It's then that I remember that that's where I've found answers before and so I quickly start searching the internet. When I find the solution I need I kick myself for not going to the search engine at the very beginning.
Forgetting to go to Google as soon as the problem arises is like when I forget to go to God when I have struggles in my life. Whenever an issue comes up I will always try to deal with it on my own. I'll rely on my own strength to get me through or I'll seek the assistance of friends to boost me up. But sometimes the issue is too big and seeking help from others doesn't seem to be enough. It's not until I have struggled through for an extended period of time that I am reminded that God is always there for me and I can always take my worries and burdens to Him. In fact, He loves us so much that He will comfort us in ways we never imagined. When Jesus met the invalid man by the healing pool he asked him if he wanted to be healed. This man had been looking for a solution in the only way he knew how - by getting to the water as soon as it began to stir. Jesus could have acted like a crutch for the man and moved him closer to the water at the right time, but instead Jesus goes beyond the man's expectations. Jesus heals the man immediately, even without the healing pool, and the invalid man is able to walk away. It's good to ask other people for help but let's not forget to go to the Saviour first, and lay all our burdens at His feet. How about you? What struggle have you not brought to Jesus yet?
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