Imagine I have a present in my hands. It’s a nice big red box and it’s got a beautifully crafted ribbon on the top. This present is for you! If you could choose anything at all, what would you wish was in this present box? I know I’d have a few dream gifts: a plane ticket to the US, a set of keys for a car; an apple iPad, an iPhone 4. All of those would certainly be appreciated if I opened up my present. But imagine that you’re holding your present and you undo the ribbon on the top, you lift up the lid of the box, only to find that inside the box… it’s empty! There is absolutely nothing inside and all you’ve been given is an empty box. Pretty lousy present, right?
When Mary was going to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body, a couple of days after he had been crucified, she was not happy with what she found. The tomb was empty. Jesus’ body was nowhere to be found and she became very distressed as to where it could have been. With everything that had happened to her much loved friend, now they couldn’t even find his body and the tomb was empty. Could live get any worse for her? And yet the empty tomb was the best present she could ever receive. The empty tomb meant that Jesus had risen from the dead and that even death could not overpower the strength of God. Sometimes we look at our lives and it all feels like empty boxes – disappointment, pain, grief. And yet we worship a God who is stronger than anything we have to go through. When we have faith in God He can turn the devastation of an empty tomb into the best gift anyone could ever desire.
Do you feel grief, disappointment, stress or pain? Ask God to reveal to you His glory in this difficult time.
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