I was at the house of one of the brethren a couple of hours ago.They offered me a slice of cake. While I was eating it, a simple thought, an object lesson to be specific, came across my mind. How many of you like to eat cake? Why? (it's sweet, tastes good, etc.)Do any of you know what things go into a cake? Then all these things must be good - right? Would you ever consider eating the ingredients of a cake separately? A spoon of flour? A raw egg? A little oil? How would that taste?
It's a lot like life. Separately there are some bitter times, some raw, hurtful times, and some dry, bland times. But there are also the good times! Together God is able to blend them all together to create a life that is meaningful, useful, and tasty! Romans 8:28 is a beautiful promise: "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His good purpose." No - all things are not good, but in God's hands they can be mixed and blended along with the good into a beautiful creation. It's during the bad times that we see how BIG our God is. He loves each of us and He is in control; we can trust Him!
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