Thursday, December 29, 2011
Feel Free Anytime To Come.....HOME
This song paints some of the most beautiful, truthful, and life-changing images in a listener's mind. A song like this must be heard all by all, to ravage callous hearts and fill empty lives. It reminds me too, of the message the "Parable of the Prodigal Son" brings.
Movie/Song Reviews
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Youth Connects - Creative Bible Study Session

Here's a link to download my presentation during the Youth Connects - IGNITE.
(Creative Bible Study)
Feel free to ask questions online. Blessings!
Ministry Ideas
Monday, February 7, 2011
Let's Worship Updated!

We have the notion that young people, represent the church of the future. Nonsense. They are the church of today. A church that has a vibrant youth ministry, where young people are engaged in small group discussions and acts of mission, is equivalent to a church that is vibrant and growing.But our church is finding it a challenge to attract youths. Even though the church has designed an afternoon program to cater to the needs of the youth, few innovations have been made in the past years. The same songs are being taught, the same bible games are being played, it has been the same approach being done in our AY programs year after year. Our church is a growing church that needs to make some changes, if not totally change our approach to our afternoon service - the youth worship.
In order to attract and keep youths' attention, we need to adapt to the needs of the youth of today. We need to change the presentation and packaging of the AY program. While presentation is important, food also has to be nourishing. Young people's questions about the meaning of life require spiritually nourishing answers.
This is why we have designed a new AY Program format called LET’S WORSHIP: An Interactive Youth-Led Worship.
Let's Hear Edition
-Listen to Christ-centered relevant messages every 1st Sabbath of the month.
Let's Talk Edition
-Enjoy interactive discussions regarding real life issues every 2nd Sabbath of the month.
Let's Sing Edition
-Worship God through praise songs and testimonies every 3rd Sabbath of the month.
Let's Do Edition
-Experience a hand's on worship through outreach every 4th Sabbath of the month.
After almost 4 years of experimenting,Let's Worship has been proven effective in churches where it was launched. For those who have attended the Youth Leaders Prayer Conference at CLC, here are some useful materials. Just Download it.
Video Teaser (Show this to the congregation a sabbath or two before the Launch)
Schedule Format (a schedule example for each edition)
Powerpoint (templates that you could use in each edition)
Program Format 1
Program Format 2
Worship Songs 1
Worship Songs 2
Let's Talk Sample
All Files
Adventist Biblical Research (You can use this to state the stand of our church on issues you will raise during Let's Talk Edition)
UM Youth Pastor (Source of Ideas for Icebreaker and other youth worship materials)
Watch out for the launch of my Youth Ideas and Materials Collection web link.
Ministry Ideas