Having been raised in an Adventist setting, I’ve seen how the youth worship (we call it "AY Program") has evolved. Few innovations were made and some songs were taught, but the same approach of AY is being done in our churches. I believe that our church is a growing church that needs to do some changes, if not totally change our approach to our afternoon service - the youth worship. This is my short presentation of the little light God has given me on how we can change our approach to AY service. This has been proven effective in my former pastorate (Olongapo City) and is being implemented in my present church (Angeles City). I’m hoping this could somehow help you in your own church. Below are downloadable materials of this "project".
Format & Editions
Powerpoint Presentation
Video Teaser
Wait for further upload of materials! Text me @0922-885-7643 if you need assistance.